The Concierge Medical Practice of Thomas Yatteau, MD

Welcome to the Next Generation in Personal Physician Services

Core Values

Medical Care / Advocacy

The Professional Care of Thomas Yatteau, MD: Patients say ‘he goes out of his way to make sure your care is done right.’ Colleagues comment how well prepared Dr. Yatteau’s referrals are, how diligent he is taking care of his patients and how his personal craftsmanship makes it easier for them to be at their most effective.

Patient Advocacy: Dr. Yatteau has been many things over his career: doctor, patient, physician leader, clinical innovator, even an insurance company medical director. This range of experience enables him to be a determined advocate for each patient when navigating through the bureaucracy of large and small, local and distant health care systems. As an independent, Dr. Yatteau is not an employee of a large medical group or hospital system, nor obliged to restrict your medical care in any way. He can offer you and all his patients the widest range of services and, again, the most determined sort of advocacy.

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The Wellness and Consultancy Program (What your membership fee provides)

Initial Visit: To describe all that our program offers for your health and, just as important, to hear from you what kind of care you desire, and what you expect from your doctor.

Comprehensive Annual Wellness Exam: Emphasis on promoting health and preventing disease. Ample time is set aside for this exam. Special testing offered when appropriate.

Five Year Program of Whole Health: The program begins with an initial comprehensive exam to determine your medical status and the style and approach that will best serve your future healthcare needs. The Program continues in years 2 thru 5 with a repeating series of special explorations, all based on best current scientific thinking, designed to keep you functioning at your best. These include:

  • Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal and Joint fitness
  • Nutritional, Metabolic and Endocrine evaluations
  • Genetic and Special Family History Assessments
  • NeuroFunctional Assessment tailored to life settings important to you

Personal Accompaniment: Patients will be joined by the doctor on important visits to specialists. Internists and family physicians rarely, if ever, can accompany a patient. Dr. Yatteau has, often with surprisingly happy results.

Consultancy Services: In-depth research of current scientific publications to address concerns you may have for yourself, or a loved one, will be provided upon request. These do not have to be related to a health problem you are experiencing and no visit is needed to request this service. Up to 2 free searches per year.

Availability for House Calls: Dr. Yatteau regularly reserves time throughout the week for house calls.

Life Advisor for Personal and Professional Challenges

Whether it’s in our personal, interpersonal or professional lives, some pretty challenging circumstances can come our way. From the very first, Dr. Yatteau strives to understand the totality of each client’s health – the physical, mental, emotional and familial – so he can be there in real time when unexpected or recurring challenges present themselves. Who better to turn to than a physician who has taken the time to get to know you well and who has the time, interest and aptitude to collaborate with you on your own personal “projects.”

VIP Services

Personal Accompaniment: Patients will be joined by the doctor on important visits to specialists. Internists and family physicians rarely, if ever, can accompany a patient. Dr. Yatteau has, often with surprisingly happy results.

Consultancy Services: In-depth research of current scientific publications to address concerns you may have for yourself, or a loved one, will be provided upon request. These do not have to be related to a health problem you are experiencing and no visit is needed to request this service. Up to 2 free searches per year.

Availability for House Calls: Dr. Yatteau regularly reserves time throughout the week for house calls.

Costs and Payment Options

Individual and Family Plans available. Contact our office to learn more.

(Because most private insurance companies and Medicare/MediCal will not pay for the membership services, each patient must pay this fee directly. However, ask the office about payment and coverage plans that may ease the cost. Note: The office will continue to bill you or your insurance company for episodic and routine visits normally billed by doctors’ offices. The membership fee does not cover these services.)